Gathering Dinner

“The Gathering” is a very enjoyable fellowship event for “all ages” of adults to “gather”, have fun, and enjoy some great food and memorable
times together.
Ladies Inspired by the Lord in Eternal Service
Formerly Presbyterian Women of EPPC.
The LILIES meet after the Sunday worship service in the Parlor on the third Sunday of each month, .
We invite all women of our church to a light brunch, fellowship, local and world mission involvement, devotions and scripturally base discussion.
We are back!
For this year we choose God’s Promise: I Am with You By Amy Poling Sutherlun, from 2018–2019 Presbyterian Women/Horizons for our Bible study.
God’s Promise: I Am with You
By Amy Poling Sutherlun
Welcome to the 2018–2019 Presbyterian Women/Horizons Bible study, God’s Promise: I Am With You. In nine lessons, this study traces God’s recurring promise of presence from Genesis through the Gospels—from the beginning to the end of the age. God’s “I am with you” promise is spoken in varied circumstances and to many different people throughout scripture. Some instances may be quite familiar, while others might surprise you.
Throughout this study, participants will reflect on how the promise of God’s presence speaks beyond the pages of the Bible, to their own circumstances.
The author of Hebrews asserts, God “has said, ‘I will never leave you or forsake you’” (Heb. 13:5). This study will confirm that God has, indeed, made and kept that very promise, again and again.
If you have any question please contact: Susan K. Fabry, Moderator: susankfabry@msn,com

Sharing Our Faith: Join in as we engage one another and Talk About Our Christian Faith
We usually meet on the 2 second Sunday of the month at 6:30- 7:30p.m. in the Parlor.
If you have any question please contact: Grant McGuire